Thanks to its didactic and informative approach, this volume is a comprehensive resource for those who are new to the subject of risk assessment in food safety. It describes the knowledge and skills needed for effective risk assessment and communication, starting with the body of regulations and the international scenario in which these are embedded. The text also outlines available basic training courses and the economic support provided to attend them. The chapters are written by highly professional and experienced specialists. The chapters are independently readable, and each is accompanied by up-to-date bibliographical support. The volume is an excellent starting point for gaining both a general understanding and specialised insights into the topics in question and the actions that Italy and the European Union are implementing to address imminent global health challenges in a coordinated and effective manner.
Autore: Maria Longeri
Editore: Milano University Press
Pubblicato nel: luglio 2024
Formato: brossura, 86 p.
Lingua: inglese
ISBN cartaceo: 9791255101543
Prezzo cartaceo: 18,00 €
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