Rivista fondata da Ugo Fabietti
SPECIAL FOCUS: Contested Terrain. Abortion at Intersection of Rights, Health and Law (edited by Claudia Mattalucci, Joanna Mishtal and Silvia De Zordo)
- Claudia Mattalucci, Joanna Mishtal and Silvia De Zordo – Emerging Contestations of Abortion Rights: New Discourses and Political Strategies at the Intersection of Rights, Health and Law
- Sinéad Kennedy – “#Repealthe8th”: Ireland, Abortion Access and the Movement to Remove the Eighth Amendment
- Joanna Mishtal – Mobilisation, Protest, and Resistance Against Reproductive Rights Restrictions in Poland
- Lorena Anton – Forgetting Pronatalism? Abortion Governance and Pro-life Discourses in Post-communist Romania
- Claudia Mattalucci – Abortion and Women’s Bodily and Mental Health: the Language of Trauma in the Public Debate on Abortion in Italy
- Chiara Quagliariello – Beyond Medical Bureaucracy: an Inquiry into Women’s Right to Abortion in Italy
- Susana Rostagnol – Abortion in Andalusia: Women’s Rights after the Gallardón Bill
- Carlo Capello – Cadute. Espulsione economica e squalificazione sociale tra i disoccupati torinesi
- Paolo Grassi – Per un’analisi critica della “partecipazione”: il caso del Bilancio Partecipativo 2017-2018 di Milano visto dal quartiere di edilizia popolare di San Siro
- Emanuela Naclerio – Diventare musulmane: riflessioni sull’esperienza di alcune donne convertite all’Islam in Italia
ISSN: 2281-4043
Prezzo cartaceo: 25,00 €